When it comes to winter, Canada faces a one-two punch of severely bitter temperatures and major snowstorms. In addition to copious amounts of snow and temperatures that drop below -30 degrees Celsius, winds blow at speeds extending well into the double digits. While exposure to these conditions can be dangerous to people, it can also wreak havoc on an unprepared roof.

Your roof is the last line of defense between you and the outdoors. As a homeowner, there are steps you can take in the months and weeks leading up to the winter to better protect your roof and your home in the process. 

Repair Roof 

Whether your roof is flat or sloped, it can experience leaks. If there's a small leak before the winter months, it is bound to get worse once the wind begins pounding at 19 kilometers per hour and the snow and ice begin to build. You can locate these trouble areas ahead of time so that you're not left scrambling to repair your roof when it's already covered in snow.

If you've got a flat roof made with tar or gravel, you'll have to go up there while the weather is still dry to search for any possible empty patches. You may need to take a broom with you to brush away any loose gravel. If you notice any cracks or bubbles in the roof, that could be the start of a much larger leak. For a sloped roof, you can more easily detect and fix a problem area by spotting any missing shingles or tiles and having them replaced. 

Check Gutters 

Checking your gutters is also part of roof-leak prevention. Too many falling maple leaves during the autumn months could clog your gutters. Once the snow or rain downfalls that are synonymous with Canadian winters begin, your gutters may overflow, causing the roof to spring a leak.   

Cut Branches 

Dead tree branches already pose a danger to a residence. When you add in the weight from ice and snow, those trees become even more of a hazard. Make sure to remove any tree branches that are either dead or threatening to fall. Otherwise you could be left with damages either to your own roof or that of a neighbor that would be difficult to fix in extreme winter conditions.  


If you run into any of these problems before Mother Nature releases her winter wrath, you'll want to get professional roofing contractors involved to nip it in the bud. You might also consider adding another layer of insulation in your attic to further protect your roof from the elements.    
