Pines are great trees to plant in any landscape design. They can be pruned to maintain a desired shape and size. You can use them a specimen trees or to serve a specific purpose, such as a windbreak or to block unwanted views. Pines seeds provide food for birds and shelter for other wildlife, so they can do a great deal for you and the area wildlife. They require just a few things to ensure they remain healthy.

Pines Need Good Drainage

If you want a healthy pine tree, placing in an area with well-drained soil is a must. In nature, pines grow in areas that provide fast drainage, like on rocky slopes or in sandy areas. You can tell if your pine is getting too much moisture by monitoring it. If you notice symptoms,such as yellowing of needles and a overall, general unhealthy appearance, it may be sitting in soil that is too wet. Older growth is usually affected first. 

Pines are drought-tolerant, so before planting pines, determine what part of your landscape can offer the tree fast-drainage it needs, even if it seems to be a dry area. 

Pines Need Pruning

You can shape and improve pines through proper pruning in spring, as new growth emerges, known as candles. Cutting the candles promotes bushiness and limit's the tree's size. To do so, you can remove the unwanted limbs to improve the tree's branching pattern. The lower limbs on pines often die off naturally, and when they do, you should cut them off. 

Shaping a pine tree in an artistic manner require some skill, so you may need to hire a tree service like Island View Tree Service to ensure the job is done correctly. With careful pruning, you can maintain pines as hedges or as screens for your landscape. 

Pines Can Be Vulnerable

Pine tree are vulnerable to air pollution. Too much air pollution can cause poor growth, dropping of needles and eventually kill the tree. 

Pines are also vulnerable to certain pests and disease. However, properly maintained trees are usually healthy enough to withstand problems and continue to grow vigorously. A common diseases for pines include blister rust, which is a bark disease that can be fatal. 

Some common pests to watch for include bark beetles, mealybugs, scale, aphids and blister mites. 

Pines are a good choice for landscapes, so if you want to grow pines, but are not sure which species will grow well in your area or serves the purpose you desire for your landscape, contact  local tree service. The professionals can help you choose a pine, plant it and even help you care for your new tree or trees. 
